Source code for ferc_xbrl_extractor.taxonomy

"""XBRL prototype structures."""

import io
import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Literal

import pydantic
from arelle import XbrlConst
from arelle.ModelDtsObject import ModelConcept, ModelType
from pydantic import AnyHttpUrl, BaseModel

from ferc_xbrl_extractor.arelle_interface import (

[docs] ConceptDict = dict[str, ModelConcept]
[docs] class XBRLType(BaseModel): """Pydantic model that defines the type of a Concept. XBRL provides an inheritance model for defining types. There are a number of standardized types, as well as support for user defined types. For simplicity, this model stores just the name of the type, and the base type which it is derived from. The base type is then used for determining what type to use in the resulting database. The list of base types defined/dealt with here is not a comprehensive list of all types in the XBRL standard, but it does contain all types used in the FERC Form 1 taxonomy. """
[docs] name: str = "string"
[docs] base: Literal[ "string", "decimal", "gyear", "integer", "boolean", "date", "duration" ] = "string"
[docs] def from_arelle_type(cls, arelle_type: ModelType) -> "XBRLType": """Construct XBRLType class from arelle ModelType.""" return cls(, base=arelle_type.baseXsdType.lower())
[docs] def get_pandas_type(self) -> str | None: """Return corresponding pandas type. Gets a string representation of the pandas type best suited to represent the base type. """ if self.base == "string" or self.base == "date" or self.base == "duration": return "string" if self.base == "decimal": return "Float64" if self.base == "gyear" or self.base == "integer": return "Int64" if self.base == "boolean": return "boolean" return None
[docs] def get_schema_type(self) -> str: """Return string specifying type for a frictionless table schema.""" if self.base == "gyear": return "year" if self.base == "decimal": return "number" if self.base == "duration": return "string" return self.base
[docs] class Concept(BaseModel): """Pydantic model that defines an XBRL taxonomy Concept. A :term:`Concept` in the XBRL context can represent either a single fact or a 'container' for multiple facts. If child_concepts is empty, that indicates that the Concept is a single fact. """
[docs] name: str
[docs] standard_label: str
[docs] documentation: str
[docs] type_: XBRLType = pydantic.Field(alias="type")
[docs] period_type: Literal["duration", "instant"]
[docs] child_concepts: "list[Concept]"
[docs] metadata: Metadata | None = None
[docs] def from_list(cls, concept_list: list, concept_dict: ConceptDict) -> "Concept": """Construct a Concept from a list. The way Arelle represents the structure of the of a taxonomy is a bit unintuitive. Each concept is represented as a list with the first element being the string 'concept', the next two are dictionaries containing metadata (the first of these two dictionaries has a 'name' field that is used to look up concepts in the ConceptDict. The remaining elements in the list are child concepts of the current concept. These child concepts are represented using the same list structure. These nested lists Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of concepts that defines a fact table. Args: concept_list: List containing the Arelle representation of a concept. concept_dict: Dictionary mapping concept names to ModelConcept structures. """ if concept_list[0] != "concept": raise ValueError("First element should be 'concept'") if not isinstance(concept_list[1], dict) or not isinstance( concept_list[2], dict ): raise TypeError("Second 2 elements should be dicts") concept = concept_dict[concept_list[1]["name"]] return cls(, standard_label=concept.label(XbrlConst.standardLabel), documentation=concept.label(XbrlConst.documentationLabel), type=XBRLType.from_arelle_type(concept.type), period_type=concept.periodType, child_concepts=[ Concept.from_list(concept, concept_dict) for concept in concept_list[3:] ], metadata=Metadata.from_concept(concept), )
[docs] def get_metadata( self, period_type: Literal["duration", "instant"] ) -> dict[str, dict[str, Any]]: """Get metadata from all leaf nodes in Concept tree. Leaf nodes in the Concept tree will become columns in output tables. This method will return the metadata only pertaining to these Concepts. Args: period_type: Return instant or duration concepts. Returns: A dictionary that maps Concept names to dictionaries of metadata. """ metadata = {} # If Concept contains child Concepts, traverse down tree and add metadata from leaf nodes if len(self.child_concepts) > 0: for concept in self.child_concepts: metadata.update(concept.get_metadata(period_type)) # If concept is leaf node return metadata else: if period_type == self.period_type: metadata[] = self.metadata.model_dump() return metadata
[docs] class LinkRole(BaseModel): """Pydantic model that defines an XBRL taxonomy linkrole. In XBRL taxonomies, Link Roles are used to group :term:`Concept` together in a meaningful way. These groups are often referred to as "Fact Tables". Link roles accomplish this by grouping Concepts into a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). In this graph, the leaf nodes in this graph represent individual facts, while other nodes represent containers of facts. """
[docs] role: AnyHttpUrl
[docs] definition: str
[docs] concepts: Concept
[docs] def from_list(cls, linkrole_list: list, concept_dict: ConceptDict) -> "LinkRole": """Construct from list. Arelle represents link roles in a similar structure to concepts. It uses a list where the first element is the string 'linkRole', and the second is a dictionary of metadata. This dictionary contains a field 'role' which is a URL pointing to where the link role is defined in the taxonomy. The second field in the dictionary is the 'definition', which is a string describing the linkrole. The final element in the list is a list which defines the root concept in the DAG. Args: linkrole_list: List containing Arelle representation of linkrole. concept_dict: Dictionary mapping concept names to ModelConcept objects. """ if linkrole_list[0] != "linkRole": raise ValueError("First element should be 'linkRole'") if not isinstance(linkrole_list[1], dict): raise TypeError("Second element should be a dict") return cls( **linkrole_list[1], concepts=Concept.from_list(linkrole_list[3], concept_dict), )
[docs] def get_metadata( self, period_type: Literal["duration", "instant"] ) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Get metadata from all leaf nodes in :term:`Concept` tree. The actual output file will contain a list of metadata objects. However, `get_metadata` implemented for the Concept class returns a dictionary to allow easily removing duplicate Concepts. This method will simply convert this dictionary to the list expected in the JSON file. Args: period_type: Return instant or duration concepts. Returns: A list of metadata objects. """ # Convert dict to list and return return list(self.concepts.get_metadata(period_type).values())
[docs] class Taxonomy(BaseModel): """Pydantic model that defines an XBRL taxonomy. XBRL :term:`Taxonomies <Taxonomy>` are documents which are used to interpret facts reported in a filing. Taxonomies are composed of linkroles that group concepts into fact tables. This provides the structure and metadata that is used for extracting XBRL data into a SQLite database. """
[docs] roles: list[LinkRole]
[docs] def from_source( cls, taxonomy_source: Path | io.BytesIO, entry_point: Path | None = None, ): """Construct taxonomy from taxonomy URL. Use Arelle to parse a taxonomy from a URL or local file path. The structures Arelle uses to represent a taxonomy and its components are not well documented and unintuitive, so the structures defined here are instantiated and used instead. Args: taxonomy_source: Path to taxonomy or in memory archive of taxonomy. entry_point: Path to taxonomy entry point within archive. If not None, then `taxonomy` should be a path to zipfile, not a URL. """ if not entry_point: taxonomy, view = load_taxonomy(taxonomy_source) else: if isinstance(taxonomy_source, Path): taxonomy_source = io.BytesIO(taxonomy_source.read_bytes()) taxonomy, view = load_taxonomy_from_archive(taxonomy_source, entry_point) # Create dictionary mapping concept names to concepts concept_dict = { str(name): concept for name, concept in taxonomy.qnameConcepts.items() } roles = [ LinkRole.from_list(role, concept_dict) for role in view.jsonObject["roles"] ] return cls(roles=roles)
[docs] def save_metadata(self, filename: Path): """Write taxonomy metadata to file. XBRL taxonomies contain metadata that can be useful for interpreting reported data. This method will write some of this metadata to a json file for later use. For more information on the metadata being extracted, see :class:`Metadata`. Args: filename: Path to output JSON file. """ from ferc_xbrl_extractor.datapackage import clean_table_names # Get metadata for duration tables duration_metadata = { f"{clean_table_names(role.definition)}_duration": role.get_metadata( "duration" ) for role in self.roles } # Get metadata for instant tables instant_metadata = { f"{clean_table_names(role.definition)}_instant": role.get_metadata( "instant" ) for role in self.roles } metadata = {**duration_metadata, **instant_metadata} # Write to JSON file with Path(filename).open(mode="w") as f: json.dump(metadata, f, indent=4)