Source code for ferc_xbrl_extractor.datapackage

"""Define structures for creating a datapackage descriptor."""

import re
from import Callable
from typing import Any

import pandas as pd
import pydantic
import stringcase
from pydantic import BaseModel

from ferc_xbrl_extractor.helpers import get_logger
from ferc_xbrl_extractor.instance import Instance
from ferc_xbrl_extractor.taxonomy import Concept, LinkRole, Taxonomy

[docs] class Field(BaseModel): """A generic field descriptor, as per Frictionless Data specs. See """
[docs] name: str
[docs] title: str
[docs] type_: str = pydantic.Field(alias="type", default="string")
[docs] format_: str = pydantic.Field(alias="format", default="default")
[docs] description: str
[docs] def from_concept(cls, concept: Concept) -> "Field": """Construct a Field from an XBRL Concept. Args: concept: XBRL Concept used to create a Field. """ return cls( name=stringcase.snakecase(, title=concept.standard_label, type=concept.type_.get_schema_type(), description=concept.documentation.strip(), )
[docs] def __hash__(self): """Implement hash method to allow creating sets of Fields.""" # Names should be unique, so that's all that is needed for a hash return hash(
[docs] ENTITY_ID = Field( name="entity_id", title="Entity Identifier", type="string", description="Unique identifier of respondent", )
""" Field representing an entity ID (Present in all tables). """
[docs] FILING_NAME = Field( name="filing_name", title="Filing Name", type="string", description="Name of filing" )
""" Field representing the filing name (Present in all tables). """
[docs] PUBLICATION_TIME = Field( name="publication_time", title="Publication Time", type="date", description="Time the filing was made available on the FERC RSS feed.", )
""" Field representing the publication time (injected into all tables). """
[docs] START_DATE = Field( name="start_date", title="Start Date", type="date", description="Start date of report period", )
""" Field representing start date (Present in all duration tables). """
[docs] END_DATE = Field( name="end_date", title="End Date", type="date", description="End date of report period", )
""" Field representing end date (Present in all duration tables). """
[docs] INSTANT_DATE = Field( name="date", title="Instant Date", type="date", description="Date of instant period" )
""" Field representing an instant date (Present in all instant tables). """
""" Fields common to all duration tables. """
""" Fields common to all instant tables. """
[docs] FIELD_TO_PANDAS: dict[str, str] = { "string": "string", "number": "Float64", "integer": "Int64", "boolean": "boolean", "date": "string", "duration": "string", "year": "datetime64[ns]", }
""" Pandas data type by schema field type (Data Package `field.type`). """
[docs] CONVERT_DTYPES: dict[str, Callable] = { "string": str, "integer": int, "year": int, "number": float, "boolean": bool, "duration": str, "date": str, }
""" Map callables to schema field type to convert parsed values (Data Package `field.type`). """
[docs] TABLE_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile("(.+) - Schedule - (.*)") # noqa: W605, FS003
""" Simple regex pattern used to clean up table names. """
[docs] UPPERCASE_WORD_PATTERN = re.compile("[^A-Z][A-Z]([A-Z]+)")
""" Regex pattern to find fully uppercase words. There are several tables in the FERC taxonomy that contain completely uppercase words, which make converting to snakecase difficult. """
[docs] def _get_fields_from_concepts( concept: Concept, period_type: str ) -> tuple[list[Field], list[Field]]: """Traverse concept tree to get columns and axes that will be used in output table. A 'fact table' in XBRL arranges Concepts into a a tree where the leaf nodes are individual facts that will become columns in the output tables. Axes are used to identify context of each fact, and will become a part of the primary key in the output table. Args: concept: The root concept of the tree. period_type: Period type of current table (only return columns with corresponding period type). Returns: axes: Axes in table (become part of primary key). columns: List of fields in table. """ # These are sets to gurantee no duplicates # There are occasionaly duplicate concepts in a tree, which are only used for rendering a form axes = set() columns = set() # Loop through all child concepts of root concept for item in concept.child_concepts: # If the concept ends with 'Axis' it represents an XBRL Axis # Axes all become part of the table's primary key if"Axis"): axes.add(Field.from_concept(item)) # If child concept has children of it's own recursively traverse subtree elif len(item.child_concepts) > 0: subtree_axes, subtree_columns = _get_fields_from_concepts(item, period_type) axes.update(subtree_axes) columns.update(subtree_columns) # Add any columns with desired period_type else: if item.period_type == period_type: columns.add(Field.from_concept(item)) return list(axes), list(columns)
[docs] def _lowercase_words(name: str) -> str: """Convert fully uppercase words so only first letter is uppercase. Pattern finds uppercase characters that are immediately preceded by an uppercase character. Later when the name is converted to snakecase, an underscore would be inserted between each of these charaters if this conversion is not performed. """ matches = UPPERCASE_WORD_PATTERN.findall(name) for upper in matches: name = name.replace(upper, upper.lower()) return name
[docs] def clean_table_names(name: str) -> str | None: """Function to clean table names. Args: name: Unprocessed table name. Returns: table_name: Cleaned table name or None if table name doesn't match expected pattern. """ name = _lowercase_words(name) m = TABLE_NAME_PATTERN.match(name) if not m: return None # Rearrange name to be {table_name}_{page_number} table_name = f"{}_{}" # Convert to snakecase table_name = stringcase.snakecase(table_name) # Remove all special characters table_name = re.sub(r"\W", "", table_name) # The conversion to snakecase leaves some names with multiple underscores in a row table_name = re.sub(r"_(_+)", "_", table_name) return table_name
[docs] class Schema(BaseModel): """A generic table schema, as per Frictionless Data specs. See """
[docs] fields: list[Field]
[docs] primary_key: list[str]
[docs] def from_concept_tree(cls, concept: Concept, period_type: str) -> "Schema": """Deduce schema from concept tree. Traverse Concept tree to get columns that should comprise output table. Concepts with names ending in 'Axis' will become a part of the composite primary key for each table. Tables with a duration period type will also have the columns 'entity_id', 'filing_name', 'start_date', and 'end_date' in their primary key, while tables with 'instant' period type will include 'entity_id', 'filing_name', and 'date'. The remaining columns will come from leaf nodes in the concept graph. Args: concept: Root concept of concept tree. period_type: Period type of table. """ axes, columns = _get_fields_from_concepts(concept, period_type) if period_type == "duration": primary_key_columns = DURATION_COLUMNS + axes else: primary_key_columns = INSTANT_COLUMNS + axes fields = primary_key_columns + columns primary_key = [ for field in primary_key_columns] return cls(fields=fields, primary_key=primary_key)
[docs] class Dialect(BaseModel): """Dialect used for frictionless SQL resources."""
[docs] table: str
[docs] class Resource(BaseModel): """A generic tabular data resource, as per Frictionless Data specs. See """
[docs] path: str
[docs] profile: str = "tabular-data-resource"
[docs] name: str
[docs] dialect: Dialect
[docs] title: str
[docs] description: str
[docs] format_: str = pydantic.Field(alias="format", default="sqlite")
[docs] mediatype: str = "application/vnd.sqlite3"
[docs] schema_: Schema = pydantic.Field(alias="schema")
[docs] def get_period_type(self): """Helper function to get period type from schema.""" period_type = "instant" if "date" in self.schema_.primary_key else "duration" return period_type
[docs] class FactTable: """Class to handle constructing a dataframe from an XBRL fact table. Structure of the dataframe is defined by the XBRL taxonomy. Facts and contexts parsed from an individual XBRL filing are then used to populate the dataframe with relevant data. """ def __init__(self, schema: Schema, period_type: str): """Create FactTable and prepare for constructing dataframe.""" self.schema = schema # Map column names to function to convert parsed values self.columns = { CONVERT_DTYPES[field.type_] for field in schema.fields } self.axes = [name for name in schema.primary_key if name.endswith("axis")] self.data_columns = [ for field in schema.fields if not in schema.primary_key ] self.instant = period_type == "instant" self.logger = get_logger(__name__)
[docs] def construct_dataframe(self, instance: Instance) -> pd.DataFrame: """Construct dataframe from a parsed XBRL instance. Args: instance: Parsed XBRL instance used to construct dataframe. """ raw_facts = list( instance.get_facts(self.instant, self.data_columns, self.schema.primary_key) ) instance.used_fact_ids |= {f.f_id() for f in raw_facts} if not raw_facts: return pd.DataFrame(columns=self.columns.keys()).set_index( self.schema.primary_key ) fact_index = ["c_id", "name"] facts = ( pd.DataFrame( { "c_id": fact.c_id, "name":, "value": self.columns[](fact.value), } for fact in raw_facts ) .drop_duplicates() # drop exact duplicates, before dropping fuzzy duplicates .set_index(fact_index) .pipe(fuzzy_dedup)["value"] .unstack("name") .reindex(columns=self.data_columns) ) facts["publication_time"] = instance.publication_time contexts = facts.index.to_series().apply( lambda c_id: pd.Series( instance.contexts[c_id].as_primary_key(instance.filing_name, self.axes) ) ) return contexts.join(facts).set_index(self.schema.primary_key).dropna(how="all")
[docs] class Datapackage(BaseModel): """A generic Data Package, as per Frictionless Data specs. See """
[docs] profile: str = "tabular-data-package"
[docs] name: str
[docs] title: str = "Ferc1 data extracted from XBRL filings"
[docs] resources: list[Resource]
[docs] def from_taxonomy( cls, taxonomy: Taxonomy, db_uri: str, form_number: int = 1 ) -> "Datapackage": """Construct a Datapackage from an XBRL Taxonomy. Args: taxonomy: XBRL taxonomy which defines the structure of the database. db_uri: Path to database required for a Frictionless resource. form_number: FERC form number used for datapackage name. """ resources = [] for role in taxonomy.roles: for period_type in ["duration", "instant"]: resource = Resource.from_link_role(role, period_type, db_uri) if resource: resources.append(resource) return cls(resources=resources, name=f"ferc{form_number}-extracted-xbrl")
[docs] def get_fact_tables( self, filter_tables: set[str] | None = None ) -> dict[str, FactTable]: """Use schema's defined in datapackage resources to construct FactTables. Args: filter_tables: Optionally specify the set of tables to extract. If None, all possible tables will be extracted. """ if filter_tables: filtered_resources = (r for r in self.resources if in filter_tables) else: filtered_resources = self.resources return { FactTable(resource.schema_, resource.get_period_type()) for resource in filtered_resources }
[docs] def fuzzy_dedup(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Deduplicate a 1-column dataframe with numbers that are close in value. We pick the number with the highest precision, up to a max precision of 6 digits after the decimal point. If we get passed duplicated str values, or non-numeric values at all, we raise a ValueError - though we can add more code here to handle specific cases if we need to. Args: df: the dataframe to be deduplicated. """ duplicated = df.index.duplicated(keep=False) def resolve_conflict(series: pd.Series, max_precision=6) -> Any: typed = series.convert_dtypes() if pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(typed): for precision in range(max_precision): at_least_this_precise = typed.round(precision) != typed if len(typed[at_least_this_precise]) == 1: return typed[at_least_this_precise].iloc[0] raise ValueError( f"Fact {':'.join(series.index.to_numpy()[0])} has values {series.to_numpy()}" ) resolved = df[duplicated].groupby(df.index.names).aggregate(resolve_conflict) return pd.concat([df[~duplicated], resolved]).sort_index()